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St George's Football Club scores visit to town hall

Sunday, 16 July 2017 14:10

Her Worship has held a reception for players and officials of St George's Football Club. 


AChrisBass DSC1961 MediumHer Worship with St George's FC manager Chris Bass


The club won the 2017 Grand Slam, the third time in 12 years, and took the opportunity of the visit to display the Railway Cup. the FA Cup, Hospital Cup and the League title.


St George's have won the Railway Cup and the League title for the past seven years. Her Worship added: 'Frank Jones has scored in all Railway Cup matches and Chris Bass Junior has been awarded Isle of Man Footballer of the Year for the fourth time. We were joined by Councillor Raina Chatel whose late husband George used to play for the club and won the cup in 1957.


'I was also pleased to welcome the club's long-time supporter and sponsor John Quayle from Manx Independent Carriers and to be able to congratulate everyone on their achievements as a Douglas-based club.'


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