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Street Performers

Street performers on Douglas Promenade Street performers on Douglas Promenade

Street performances add music, colour and a sense of theatre, creating a vibrant, fun atmosphere in the town centre. To ensure a high standard of entertainment new performers are required to audition.









Street performers must obtain a licence in order to perform which will be issued after an acceptable audition and are required to follow a set of regulations. These include:


  • Keeping amplified sound at an appropriate level to avoid disturbance to nearby premises and pedestrians;


  • Entertainers may passively receive money from the public by providing an open instrument case or similar but must not approach people requesting payment for the performance;


  • Entertainers may not cause obstructions. If a large crowd develops around the entertainer which might block the street, they must stop performing until the crowd has sufficiently dispersed;


  • Only merchandise applicable to the performer may be sold;


  • Non-Island resident entertainers must obtain the necessary trading licence to sell merchandise.


Buskers 5 smallStreet performers in Regent Street Buskers 2 smallStreet performers in Regent Street




Frequently Asked Questions 

Where do I apply for a licence?

Licence applications can be made to Douglas Town Centre Management via Douglas Town Hall.


My instrument was lost when busking. What will the Council do about this?

Douglas Borough Council accepts no liability for any damage, loss or injury to persons or property, caused to, or by, any entertainer. Entertainers are strongly advised to take out public liability insurance. It is the responsibility of each performer to secure any other necessary consents and licences in respect of copyrighted material.


Do I really need to audition ?

Alternatively, when submitting an application it is advised to include a recording or similar. This should be sufficient, however you may still be asked to perform a brief audition.














Last modified on Monday, 15 February 2016 16:32

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